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Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that focuses on brain function. Neurofeedback is a process by which the brain heals itself—a form of learning and entrainment. Neurofeedback encourages the brain to reorganize itself guided by the instinct to heal and the rewards presented during the training. This drug-free treatment often produces dramatic results by decreasing interferences and inefficiencies in brain function.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is an EEG driven form of operant conditioning. We give the brain a target for its activity. As it gets closer to that target a reward is given; a game advances, an image gets brighter, a pleasant tone is heard or a movie is visible. As the brain improves toward the goal the threshold for receiving rewards gets harder, always staying within the comfort zone of the client.

The field of Neurofeedback is evolving to include a broader range of treatments that go far beyond just feedback. We use neuro-modulation techniques. [link to devices] This broader field is known as Neurotherapy. At Advanced Therapy Center, we offer our patients a full range of Neurotherapy treatment options.

Who is it for?

Neurofeedback therapy can be helpful for anyone looking to change engrained behaviors to improve their lives—patients with brain injury, anxiety, trauma, depression, stress, and addiction, and many other problems have been pleased by how fast and well our techniques can help. At Advanced Therapy Center, our approach treats the whole client—body, and mind. Our methods are particularly effective in treating brain injuries. Many of our clients have reported benefits within a few weeks. Even very complicated cases, such as fibromyalgia and depression with suicidal ideation, become understandable and can be helped.

How does it work?

Neurofeedback is possible because we now understand that the brain is in a constant state of creating and deleting connections. This is called Neuroplasticity.  The brain, at all ages, is capable of making new brain cells (neurons) and increasing or decreasing the connections between brain cells (glial cells and dendritic proliferation).

However, it is fair to say that basically, the brain itself is lazy, no matter how busy it might seem. Unless we supply motivation in a purposeful direction the brain does not often choose to expend energy on change. That’s the beauty of neurofeedback. We can motivate your brain to change in a direction that will assist in reducing your challenges and improving your life.